Bernie Wagnitz, on December 16, 2008 at 12:27:AM said: As I looked out from the 25th story of the building I was working at I saw along the expressway a field of dandelions. I wanted to just sit amoung them and paint till the sun went down. .... Hmm, I take a laundry basket full of art supplies on vacation every year. We travel in our motorhome and have limited storage space so my hubby has allocated one laundry basket to contain all of my art supplies. ...
Mike Wagnitz, to the best of my knowledge, never corrected this. \n\nMike refers to Dissecting a Thimerosal Study which was published on that suppository of bilge, baloney and bullsh*t known as Natural News. No one in their right mind ...
bestate/b parades in assemble to demonstrate up the signal assemble of unreason. As repayment for the well-received Ship of Fools, is it not a direct translation of Brant'sN arrenschiff, whose tide it bears, and of which ...